Article published in the daily Corsican French newspaper “Corse Matin” of 28 July 2020 : “Nicole King. An artist committed to ecological causes”.
Interviewed in her art studio In Corsica, N. King
traces her career; first, as an environmental engineer at Total Oil Co, then water expert at WWF Int’l., and today as an empowered painter.
Extracts :
“ Her paintings inveigh against pollution and the menaces to biodiversity. “Pollution” and human activity includes outboard motor leakages and coral reefs damaged by anchors. Her technique is to mix oil painting with photographs of oil tankers , oil platforms … transferred on to the canvas…. She also teaches an art recycling class at a school in Marly-Le-Roi… Corsica inspires many of her artistic creations. “
Clara di Antoni (Corse Matin)